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Beanfield's Most Popular Internet Service Plans

Beanfield's plans vary by region, so be sure to verify pricing and plan terms with them before ordering service as all plans or promotions may not be available in all areas or to all customers and can expire at any time.

Beanfield Metroconnect is an internet service provider offering both residential and commercial internet on their own fibre-optic network. Beanfield offers a number of specialized services including private point to point circuits, co-location, dark fibre, and broadcast video transport. In addition to these specialized services they also offer standard services of internet, television, and phone. Residential packages range from speeds of 250Mbps to 1Gbps with prices starting at $50/month.

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Contact Beanfield


(416) 532-1555



77 Mowat Ave

Toronto, M6K 3E3