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Groupe-Access's Most Popular Internet Service Plans

Groupe-Access's plans vary by region, so be sure to verify pricing and plan terms with them before ordering service as all plans or promotions may not be available in all areas or to all customers and can expire at any time.

Groupe Access is an internet service provider that has coverage in Ontario & Quebec. The primary services that they offer are DSL and Fixed Wireless broadband but they also offer home phone service. Groupe Access's Fixed Wireless prices start at $29.00 with download speeds starting at 0.5 Mbps and upload speeds starting at 0.256 Mbps and DSL prices starting at $38.95 with download speeds starting at 6 Mbps and upload speeds of 800 Kbps.

Frequently Asked Questions for about Groupe-Access


Contact Groupe-Access


(514) 766-3311



300, Berge du Canal, suite 316

Montreal, QC H8R 1H3